School offers lesson in diversity

Students celebrate their different cultures - Ryan from Timor, Esraa from Sudan, Helnay from Karan and Matthew from the Pacific Islands. 98570 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


NOBLE Park Secondary College students celebrated their differences and raised cash for students in need with a Multicultural Day on 23 May.
Principal Pam Dyson said the annual Education Week event featured musical and dance performances, a community lunch and a parade with students carrying flags from different nations.
“Many of them wore their national costume,” she said.
“It was like an Olympic ceremony.
“They came down and proudly waved their flag and then at the end they sang, “we are as one, we are Australia”.
Ms Dyson said at least 54 different countries were represented.
“It’s a celebration of all the different cultures and how proud the kids are,” she said.
“The talent of our students was overwhelming.
“It was very, very emotional.”
Parents and friends attended a lunch and were invited to bring a plate representing their nationality.
“It was a real community effort,” Ms Dyson said.
“It makes you realise that education is about the respect of others and celebrating the diversity of our college.”
Students donated a gold coin to attend school in free dress, with the money going to State Schools’ Relief, which helps young people with their uniforms.
“The purpose of the day was not only to celebrate and to entertain but to think of others,” Ms Dyson said.
“That was the icing on the cake. They were actually contributing to help other people as well.”