Police look to improve cultural exchanges

VICTORIA Police is calling for community input to improve interactions with different cultures.
Submissions on cross-cultural training and field contact reporting – when a police officer or protective services officer (PSO) takes down details because circumstances appear suspicious – are open until 31 July.
The call follows litigation in the Federal Court in February alleging a practice of racial profiling within Victoria Police.
Chief Commissioner Ken Lay said this was an opportunity for the public to help shape the police service and for Victoria Police to better engage with the community.
“We need to have the public’s trust and confidence in what we do,” he said.
Victoria Police wants to know what sort of behaviour should be considered suspicious enough to warrant a field contact report, what police or PSOs should say to someone they’ve stopped to record their details, and what information was reasonable to record.
The community can also comment on what information should be included in cross-cultural training to make sure interaction with different community members is respectful and culturally appropriate.
Community comment will feed into an overall review by external consultants. Recommendations will be published in December.
Visit www.police.vic.gov.au, email VP-COMMUNITY-CONSULTATION-MGR@police.vic.gov.au or visit a 24-hour police station for more information.