Marg Moments: A toast to Dandenong history buffs

History talks: Guest speaker Jennifer Bantow.

AFTER another year of collecting clippings, snippets of information and memorabilia for future residents, the Dandenong and District Historical Society took time off to celebrate.

Seventy-six guests gathered last month for the society’s 49th annual luncheon, held at the Dandenong Club.

Visiting guest speaker Jennifer Bantow’s speech was titled ‘Made in Dandenong’. Ms Bantow has worked for the National Trust for more than 30 years and her speech highlighted her lifelong interest in heritage conservation.

Society president Chris Keys welcomed the guests, among whom were Dandenong Club’s president Kevin Shannahan and his wife Bev.

The club is a loyal supporter of the historical society, as is the RSL club of Dandenong/Cranbourne. RSL president Phil Anstis and his wife Barbara were also special guests, joining Greater Dandenong councillor John Kelly.

A tasty two-course hot lunch was served and 12 competition prizes awarded to the guests.

The City of Greater Dandenong supports the society financially and gives members the use of rooms at the Houlahan Community Centre at 186 Foster Street East.

The rooms are open from 11am-2pm on Wednesdays to all interested in preserving the city’s history. Messages can be left on the society’s answering machine on 9794 8967.

Ms Keys is assisted on the society’s executive by its secretary Jenny Ferguson, treasurer Ken Masters and research officers Ray Carter, Jan Asher and Carolyn Floyd.

The magazine editor is Carmen Powell, who can be contacted on 97962456.

Do you have a milestone, memory or question for Marg? Email or post submissions to A Moment with Marg, c/o Greater Dandenong Weekly, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175.

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