Art display brings pride

Prep Hasti with her colourful artwork. 174193 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Casey Neill

Dandenong West Primary students are putting their art on display at the Dandenong Show.
Every student in the school went on an excursion to an art experience last term as well as being part of a school-based art exhibition.
“They now understand what an honour it is to have their work displayed publicly and there is a sense of pride among the students, their families and the staff at Dandenong West,” visual arts teacher Caroline Jones said.
The students started their projects for the Dandy Show exhibition last term.
“At that stage, they were not aware what it meant to finish their work to a standard for public viewing,” she said.
“After their experiences, they now know the importance of finishing their work, and taking extra effort in presentation.”
Ms Jones said the students were encouraged to take risks with their work, put in their best effort and have fun.