Sahaja Meditation
Come and try Sahaja Meditation to find peace and experience the feeling of thoughtless awareness. Everyone is welcome, no bookings are necessary – just bring an open mind and an open heart.
– When: every Wednesday 7-8pm. Where: Dandenong North Senior Citizens Club, Latham Crescent, Dandenong North. Cost: free. For more information, visit freemeditation.com.au or call 0497783946.
Greater Dandenong Arts Series
As part of the Greater Dandenong Libraries’ and Walker Street Gallery’s Art Series, join local artist Gabby Willmott for Wonderful Winter Watercolours. Gabby will lead you through a series of simple techniques and guide you as you play, observe and discover your own journey with watercolour.
– When: Tuesday July 9, 6.30-8pm at Dandenong Library, and Tuesday 16 July 6.30-8pm at Springvale Library. Cost: Free event, but bookings preferred – phone 9706 8441.
Bunjil ACDC of Wurundjeri and other Nations’ Dance Group Exhibition
This exhibition celebrates the history and achievements of Dandenong’s ‘Bunjil ACDC of Wurundjeri and other Nations’ dance group. Curated by Grandad Gardiner of the group, with assistance from City of Greater Dandenong heritage staff, the exhibition incorporates the group’s hand-painted dance costumes and totems alongside aboriginal artworks.
– When: July 5-12, from 10am. Museum closed on Mondays. Where: Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens – Laurel Lodge, 66 McCrae Street, Dandenong (Heritage Hill is also accessible via 51 Langhorne Street entrance). Cost: free. Contact Heritage Hill on 9793 4511.
Smile for the Camera Exhibition
This exhibition will venture on an historical photographic journey from the pre photograph era of the early 1800 paper silhouettes, to the 1900s ‘carte de visite’ portrait calling cards and the poignant photographs of youg men taken prior to leaving for war. Examples of 1950s tourist travel postcards, family home movies and ‘happy snap’ Polaroid instant holiday photographs of the 1970s and finally including the compelling photographic art of the 2000s.
– When: July 5 – 24, from 10am. Museum closed on Mondays. Where: Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens – Laurel Lodge, 66 McCrae Street, Dandenong (Heritage Hill is also accessible via 51 Langhorne Street entrance). Cost: free. Contact Heritage Hill on 9793 4511.
Christmas in July Movie Mania
Entertain the kids these school holidays at Dandenong Market! From June 29 – July 14 (on market days), kids can enjoy classic Christmas-themed movie screenings for free (two per day at 10am & 12.30pm) in the market bazaar. Golden Popcorn are also offering $1 popcorn bags in candy, cinnamon, cheese, sweet & salty, caramel, fairy floss and butter flavours.
– When: June 29-July 14 on market days. Where: Dandenong Market in the market bazaar. Cost: Free for movie screening.
Customs and Culture Concert
Noble Park Secondary College will be holding its Customs and Culture Concert on Thursday 1 August. There will be a sausage sizzle from 6pm. Everyone is welcome!
– When: Thursday 1 August, 6:45pm – 8:30pm. Cost: $2 per person.Disco Dolly Bingo
Save the date Saturday August 10th! Come to a fun filled night and join the members from Keysborough Fire Brigade. A Disco Dolly Bingo event, with silent auctions, games, prizes and much more. All proceeds will further help the community of Keysborough and surrounding suburbs.
– 7pm – 11pm, Saturday 10 August. Cost: $22 per person, inlcudes finger food and bingo games, drinks at bar prices. Where: Keysborough Golf Club, 55 Hutton Road, Keysborough. For more details and to book, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/disco-dolly-bingo-keysborough-golf-club-tickets-62401605883?aff=ehomesaved. Bookings close 28 July.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a Chinese system of physical exercise aiding health and relaxation. Join us each Monday for a twenty minute session following the introductory Shibashi DVD.
– Each Monday 2pm-2.20pm (except public and school holidays) at The Open Door, 110 Ann St, Dandenong. A gold coin donation is welcome. Please call Trish or Jo on 9791 8664 or email Theopendoor@ssjg.org.au for more details.
Arj Barker: We Need to Talk
Australia’s adopted son of comedy, Arj Barker, returns with his brand new comedy show ‘We Need To Talk’ at your Drum Theatre.
– 8pm, Friday 18 October at the Drum Theatre. Book tickets at http://www.drumtheatre.com.au/event/5252/arj-barker-we-need-to-talk/26364
Beginners computer classes
Computer classes are beginning again next term for those who are beginners, all adults welcome. We have a small class for lots of attention.
– Class to begin on Tuesday 23rd July from 9.30am to 12.15pm for 8 weeks (Tuesdays only) at Hallam Community Learning Centre, 56 Kays Avenue, Hallam. Cost: $135.00 or $115.00 concession. Please call to book on 9703 1688, places limited.
Quilting and painting classes
The Hallam Community Learning Centre on Kays Avenue, Hallam, has vacancies in our Tuesday quilting classes and in our morning and afternoon painting classes.
– Hallam Community Learning Centre, 56 Kays Avenue, Hallam. Please call 9703 1688 for further details and bookings.
Neuroscience Participants Needed
A local Doctoral student is recruiting participants local to Dandenong/Springvale/Clayton for neuroscience research. The study will look at what happens to memory as we age. The researcher is looking for older adults who are healthy and between the ages of 65-85.
– For more information contact Sian Virtue-Griffiths on 0422 294 248.
Film-making workshops
Are you an aspiring film maker who is keen to learn more about film production?
Be a part of Greater Dandenong Council’s inaugural Short Cuts Film Production Program.
The seven-week mentorship course in June and July is designed for young people aged 15 to 25, who live, work or study in the City of Greater Dandenong.
The films created will premiere as part of Shorter Cuts 2019 program in October.
Details: hanann.aldaqqa@cgd.vic.gov.au or 8571 5147.
Volunteers needed
New volunteers are welcome at The Bridge disability service in Cranbourne, Berwick, Narre Warren and Dandenong. They support staff and adult participants in fun activities one day a week or fortnight.
– Details: Margaret, 8710 8520 or MCampion@thebridgeinc.org.au.
Al-Anon Family Groups.
This group offers help and support to family and friends of problem drinkers. Meetings are weekly at Endeavour Hills, Dandenong, Springvale and Dandenong North.
– Mondays from 10am at the Andrews Centre, corner Hanna Drive and Heatherton Road . Endeavour Hills, Wednesdays from 8.15pm at Seminar room 2 at Dandenong Hospital, David Street, Fridays from 10.30am at Springvale Church of Christ, corner Buckingham and Windsor avenues and Saturdays from 2pm at St Gerard’s Community Centre, 71 Gladstone Road, Dandenong North.
Details: 1300 252 666 or visit www.al-anon.org.au
Free community lunch
A weekly two-course lunch is provided by Hampton Park United Church, with the support of City of Casey. All welcome.
– Thursdays, 12 noon at 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park. Details: 9799 7994
A Friday morning playgroup is held at Hampton Park Uniting Church. Includes morning tea.
– Fridays, 9.30am-11.30am (during school terms) at 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park. $3 child, $5 family. Details: 9799 7994
Learn to sew
Men and women can learn to use a sewing machine to insert zips, cut patterns and how to hem.
Free childcare is available for parents who attend the class.
– Springvale Neighbourhood House, 46-50 Queens Avenue, Springvale. Tuesdays during school terms, 12.30pm to 2.30pm. $3 per class. No bookings required. Call 9548 3972 for more information.
Check out chess
The Dandenong Chess club welcomes players of all ages, from novices to grand masters.
– 16 Balmoral Avenue, Dandenong. Wednesdays, 7pm. Call Paul on 0406 786 242 for more information.
Help is at hand
Free meals, showers and laundry services are available.
– Doveton Neighbourhood Learning Centre, 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton. Tuesdays, 6pm to 8pm. Call 9791 1449 for more information.
Fun for retirees
The Waverley Gardens Combined Probus Club is seeking new members from the Dandenong North, Noble Park and Springvale North areas.
Members meet for coffee and a guest speaker from 9.45am to noon on the last Tuesday of the month, and for other activities.
– Vegas Club, Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre, corner Jacksons and Police roads, Mulgrave. Call 9560 6046 or 9801 4049 for more information.
Learn everyday English
This free conversational English class is ideal for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
– Doveton Neighbourhood Learning Centre, 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton. Tuesdays, 10am to noon. Call 9791 1449 for more information.
Finding friendship
The Burmese Women’s Alliance Friendship Group meets every Thursday to socialise and make new friends.
The meetings involve mentoring, cancer screening workshops, and fabric painting.
– Noble Park Community Centre, Memorial Drive, Noble Park. Thursdays during school terms, noon to 2pm. New members are welcome. A $2 donation applies to fabric painting. Call Chaw on 0432 021 888 or the Noble Park Community Centre on 9547 5801 for more information.
Family fun at the library
Children and their carers can enjoy Lego, chess, puzzles and games.
Playing games together can improve literacy, numeracy, spatial awareness, socially appropriate behaviour and fair play.
This event is free and no booking is required.
– Springvale Library, 411 Springvale Road, Springvale. Saturdays during school terms, 11am. Call 1300 630 920 for more information.