Rise above differences

by Ursula Aruma from Sri Sathya Sai Organisation

Consider sometimes we find ourselves in a society that is widespread with anger, greed, and desire.

These affect us by making us take improper actions and destroy our wisdom.

How can we send a Message of Hope for us to rise above these differences?

By worrying over sense objects, attachment is born.

From attachment comes desire and from desire sprouts anger.

Desire and anger show in many ways, like the urge for arguing till you feel your ego has made you win the argument, yearning for increased finances, physical cravings, jealousy, and animosity and other confrontations.

Why does one have to commit these actions?

What prevents us from hurting others and injuring others?

Always follow some principles like curbing envy and jealousy by speaking soft and sweet words, expanding your vision and outlook, and treating all equally and have no distinctions of colour or creed.

There is only one race, the human race.

All are sacred, therefore do not criticize or put others down because the same God shines in everyone’s heart.

Your life will become sanctified by having intense love for God.

He does not care how long you have practised spirituality; all he wants is whole-hearted love, unfathomable love for all creatures, always.

Experience the power of the Divine and do not give room for any anger or fear.

When you feel as if anger is developing in a situation, turn away from the situation and begin to chant sacred texts.

Follow the true path by staying motivated and determined and do not deviate from this path. Letting go of the pain releases the burden of anger.

Always brace acceptance of what has happened and let go and do not brood over the past. Forgiveness is divine.

Forgiveness is possible if you have a lot of compassion in your heart.

May we put an effort to make the world a better place to live in by being always compassionate and kind.

Enquiries about the Interfaith Network: executive@interfaithnetwork.org.au or 8774 7662.