100 years ago
15 November 1923
Sir – Will you kindly allow me to contradict a rumour that has been circulated in connection with this un-pleasant matter between T M Farrar and myself. The rumour is to the effect that our solicitors settled it out of court. There is only one course open to T M Farrar and that is to summons me to the Dandenong Police Court. As five weeks have now elapsed since I challenged him, and he has not done so, I feel sure I am now vindicated in the eyes of the public.
Yours Elizabeth Arthur
(Note the earlier letter from Elizabeth Arthur in Looking Back 9 October 2023:
To the Editor
Sir – Will you kindly, through the columns of your valuable paper, permit me to make an explanation regarding the press report of a case in the Dandenong Police Court of 24 September. I refer to the case of T M Farrar V Elizabeth Arthur. Defendant at Carrum Downs on 28th August did use insulting words within hearing of persons in a public place – Adjourned for 7 days. I wish to say that never at any time, neither in public nor in private, nor on any occasion have I used insulting words to T M Farrar, and that T M Farrar is quite aware of this. I have never received a summons nor had any intimation from him that he intended proceedings against me. As T M Farrar now appears to have let the matter drop it seems to me that he has attained his objective through the Press, that he has a case against me. I can only arrive at the conclusion that this is an attempt to blacken my character, and that the insulting words within hearing of persons in a public place is a wicked fabrication on his part. If Mr T M Farrar desires to prove his sincerity he surely will now summons me through the proper channel. If he does not do so, I ask the readers of the ”Journal” to believe my statement and to judge for themselves. Yours Elizabeth Arthur.)
50 years ago
8 November 1973
$1100 Goes at Bank; Named Forged
A Westall man has had to wait eight months to recover the $1100 taken from his bank account with two forged signatures. The bank concerned is the Springvale branch of the Commonwealth Saving Bank of Australia. Argentinian migrant Raul Oillatoguerre said he reported the loss of his bank book containing $1800 last March to the bank. Mr Oillataguerre said “Some of the bank officials even laughed when I asked for my money back.” Two signatures were needed to withdrawn the money and neither were like mine.”
An official of the Springvale branch said it had taken “some time” for Commonwealth police to thoroughly investigate the matter. The decision to reimburse Mr Oillataguerre with the $1100 came from Head Office in Sydney.
20 years ago
10 November 2003
Night driving attacks “risk”
Another ugly late night road attack in Dandenong has prompted police to urge motorists to take care while driving after dark. In the latest incident a driver was approached by men while stopped at traffic lights on the Princes Highway, at the intersection of Plunkett Road, about 11pm on November 2. Two men got out of a white Sigma that had pulled up alongside the male victim’s blue VS Commodore. One was armed with a baseball bat and the pair demanded money. A third man, thought to be carrying a black pistol, also approached. The driver sped off. Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Jamie Jack of Dandenong CIU said these types of incidents seemed to be “in vogue” at the moment and urged drivers to be vigilant.
5 years ago
12 November 2018
Crossing will go
The last four sets of boom gates on the Dandenong Cranbourne railway line will be removed by 2025, the state ALP party has pledged. And it won’t be all ‘Sky Rail’. If re-elected the State Government will remove level crossings at Webster Street, Dandenong, Greens Road in Dandenong South, Evans Road in Lyndhurst and Camms Road in Cranbourne. On 5 November Premier Daniel Andrews announced the plan at Dandenong Railway Station, currently shut down to works to cater for the coming high-capacity metro trains. Webster Street crossing would likely be removed by a ‘hybrid’ solution – rail being raised over a lowered road. Mr Andrews said. The Greens Road grade separation would consist of rail bridge over road. Crossings at Evans and Camms roads will be replaced by road bridges over rail.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society