100 years ago
20 November 1924
Wirth’s Circus
Messrs Wirth Bros Ltd, will again bring their enormous combined shows to Dandenong on Tuesday December 16, for one night only. This season’s attractions, which were specifically engaged by Mr. Phillip Wirth on his recent tour of America, outdo all previous efforts to amuse and instruct the Australian public. Captain Betts, with his trained seals, roosters, and monkeys, has acts to marvel at, besides the great number of other noted artists Mr Wirth engaged at an enormous expense.
50 years ago
21 November 1974
50,000 at Oktoberfest weekend.
A happy carefree crowd of just over 50,000 attended the highly successful 1974 Dandenong Oktoberfest last weekend. Magnificent weather, fine entertainment and family attractions saw the Oktoberfest cement itself as a yearly attraction. With all things being equal, it seems likely the Oktoberfest will again be held the weekend after the Dandenong Show giving the City a wonderful nine days of family fun and activity to suit all ages. The entertainment was provided last weekend by the Eidelweiss Folk Dancing Group which with the Teutonia German Association Club of Dandenong organises the Oktoberfest.
20 years ago
15 November 2004
Your View
Give Kelly a go
It will soon be time for Greater Dandenong Council to elect a councillor to serve as mayor for the next term. It is hoped that this time justice will prevail and the party politics that has bedevilled our council for a long time will be discarded and that long-serving councillor John Kelly will be given the opportunity to serve as Mayor. The voters of Dandenong North ward have demonstrated their trust in Cr Kelly by re-electing him for many years. It is time for that confidence to be recognised, time for their chosen councillor to serve as Mayor of our city. It is time for a fair go.
J Marriner
5 years ago
19 November 2019
Brown to cast decisive vote through ‘political traffic’
Peter Brown is back on Greater Dandenong Council- and he is set to make an early mark. “Apologies for being three years late but I’ve been held up in heavy political traffic,” Cr Brown told an audience when his countback election was announced on November 11. He planned to deliver the decisive vote in favour of a recission motion scrapping Greater Dandenong’s approval of a waste-to-energy plant in Dandenong South. The motion was duly passed, the council deferring the matter until the Environment Protection Authority assessment was done. He has replaced the long-serving Roz Blades who suddenly resigned as mayor and councillor last month.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society