Star Dandenong community calendar

SOUTHERN Continence Service will hold a free public education event open to everyone interested in learning more about the problems associated with incontinence.
The event will be held on Monday, 8 August 2005, from 9am until noon at the Education Centre, Kingston Centre, Corner Warrigal and Kingston Roads, Cheltenham. Morning tea will be provided.
There will be talks by experienced continence nurse adviser Sandra Oakley and continence physiotherapist Janet Chase, with continence product suppliers also available to answer questions.
RSVP to the Southern Continence Service on 9265 1401.

THE Dandenong Neighbourhood House is offering a range of new courses to cater for emerging community needs.
The ‘Parenting after Separation’ course will cover issues including parenting alone, dealing with children’s loss and grief and communicating with your expartner. It runs on Fridays from 10.30am to 12.30pm from 12 August to 16 September, and costs $30.
A ‘Return to Work’ course helps participants learn essential skills to help them get back in the workforce. It runs from noon until 3pm on Thursdays.
The ‘Learn to use Email and Internet’ course will be held on Mondays from 1pm to 3pm, 22 August to 5 September.
An ‘Ease into Exercise’ course involves gentle exercise drawing on yoga, pilates and release work. It is running on Thursdays from 2 to 3pm.
A gardening course covering garden design, propagation, composting, planting and other gardening skills is also running on Tuesdays from 10am to noon.
Phone 9792 5298 for more information.

THE Dandenong Oasis, corner of Heatherton Road and Cleeland Street, is hosting a ‘Sounds of the Globe Multicultural Day’ on 16 October 2005.
People interested in participating on the day, whether it be performing or running an art and craft stall with a particular cultural theme, should express their interest now.
The day is looking to raise funds for The Gateway Centre in Dandenong, caring for people with a wide range of disabilities. The Dandenong Oasis will be donating $1 of every entry to this special cause. The Gateway Centre was first established by Dandenong Rotary in 1983 and is run by CEO Margaret Cleary, the first female president of the Dandenong Rotary.
Applications and bookings for performers and market stallholders are essential. For further information, phone Carla on 9706 9299.

WALKERS under the age of 55 are encouraged to join a group that walks around Lysterfield Lake every weekend.
The brisk walk takes oneandahalf hour around the picturesque lake, and is both a healthy and social exercise.
The group is keen to see some fresh faces, so to find out when and where to meet, phone 0414 860 858.