Rail passengers can stake a claim

GREATER Dandenong residents suffered 78 train cancellations in February, according to the latest performance report from Connex.
The figure, which equates to almost three trains cancelled per day on the Dandenong line, has drawn criticism from the State Opposition.
Connex is offering compensation to monthly, six-monthly and yearly ticket holders, and said its performance fell during February because of its withdrawal of 31 three-carriage Siemens trains.
Connex chief executive Bruce Hughes said in February that Connex had been reintroducing the trains, but did not have enough to meet demand.
“This led to some cancellations and widespread delays,” he said.
“We’ve been juggling trains and altering the normal running arrangements to keep cancellations as low as possible but this has come at the expense of punctuality.”
But Upper House member for the South Eastern Metropolitan Region, Inga Peulich, said the matter only highlighted that public transport was still an issue for Melbourne’s south-east.
“Commuters are stuck on overcrowded train services during peak hour. It becomes seriously cramped and uncomfortable – it is a critical situation that must be addressed by the Minister immediately,” Ms Peulich said.
Rail customers who used a monthly, six-monthly or annual ticket in February will be eligible to apply for a daily ticket as compensation.
Connex said ticket holders would need to use the claim form available at staffed stations or through the website, connexmelbourne.com.au.