Boom gates to go

WORKS to remove a level crossing on Springvale Road in Springvale are on track to start within months, with VicRoads shortlisting potential construction and design partners late last year.
Public Transport and Roads Minister Terry Mulder welcomed this next step to bring the boom gates down for the last time in 2014.
“Removing the level crossings will deliver long-term improvements to public transport and road network efficiency, providing a much needed boost to the local economies,” he said.
“This is an exciting step forward for all who have been frustrated by the congestion and the huge amount of time that the boom gates are down, particularly during the peak hours.
“Local commuters will see increased safety and comfort, as well as better travel times for motorists who use the surrounding roads.”
An alliance involving VicRoads, Public Transport Victoria (PTV), Metro Trains and a joint venture between a civil construction company and a design company will plan and manage the works.
Leighton and McConnell Dowell have been shortlisted for the Springvale project and VicRoads will now work with them through a competitive process to determine which is best-equipped to construct the project, with works to start by the middle of the year and be completed by late 2014.
More than 25,000 vehicles and 230 trains pass through the Springvale Road level crossing each day, with the boom gates down for more than 40 per cent of the morning peak.