Home Journal Page 867


Boost for clubs, schools

DANDENONG schools and sporting clubs have received more than $195,000 under a community donations scheme by Ritchies Supa IGA supermarket. The Dandenong supermarket this month...

Wage explosion

By Shaun Inguanzo HOLD open your wallets Greater Dandenong ratepayers – the council is spending $20 million more on employee wages than it was five...

Link up for birthday bash

NOBLE PARK’S Paddy O’Donoghue Centre celebrates its first birthday this week with a variety of fun activities for the community. The biggest of those activities...

Rangers fast out

By Glen AtwellA SLOW start against the Dandenong Rangers was crucial to Waverley’s eventual 12-point demise at the Waverley Basketball Centre on Saturday night. Dandenong...

Who DAIRS wins

By Shaun InguanzoDAVID Fraser mustered his courage and took the risk of buying car parts manufacturer DAIR Industries from American company Dura in 2001. Mr...

Dandenong sinks Cerberus

By Glen AtwellDANDENONG has bumped Doveton from the Southern Football League Division Three top four after beating the lowly Cerberus at the HMAS base...

Students try to save every drop

By Shaun InguanzoMEET the Environmentalists – a crack team of Springvale South Primary School students determined to save water. The group of students from grade...

Rotary picks up bowls day

THE City of Greater Dandenong Mayoral Charity Bowls Day will be reincarnated as the Rotary Club of Noble Park Bowls Day after the council...

Retailers urged to network

SOMETIMES it’s who you know, not what you know that can contribute to the success of one’s business. So the Dandenong Retail Traders’ Association (DRTA)...

Springvale South girl drowns

AN 11-YEAR-OLD Springvale South girl drowned while swimming at Edithvale beach last week. Police said a beach goer noticed the girl floating in the water...

Prizes soarat Sandown

MINIMUM prize money for all Saturday meetings at Sandown will increase from 1 February in a boost sure to be well received by horse...


Further three charged following Lyndhurst death

Homicide Squad detectives have charged a further three males on 26 March, following a fatal stabbing in Lyndhurst earlier this month. An 18-year-old Seaford man...