Word’s out for language skills

Volunteer Sri Samy, Elaine Smith, Tricia Fitzgerald and Dandenong Neighbourhood House manager Robyn Coslovich with their English students. 103017 Picture: DONNA OATES


VOLUNTEERS are helping refugees tap into English and life skills at Dandenong Neighbourhood House.
House manager Robyn Coslovich said people on bridging visas approached them for help about a year ago and volunteers put their hands up.
Australian Multicultural Education Service (AMES) and Red Cross refer clients on waiting lists for official language training to the house while they wait.
“One person would come and they’d bring 10 people with them,” Ms Coslovich said.
“Towards the end of last year, we had 200 to 250 through the door a week.”
“There’s such a huge demand.”
The classes include experience-oriented activities that cover everyday life skills, like going to the supermarket, reading a map, library visits and accessing public transport.
“The classes are changing all the time, but they’re all run totally by volunteers,” Ms Coslovich said.
Supporters include Dandenong Magistrates’ Court, City of Greater Dandenong and Rotary Club of Dandenong which have chipped in cash and items such as stationery.
“It costs nothing to run the actual classes,” she said.
The house needs more volunteers to support the service.
“What we’re finding is, unfortunately for us, many of the guys doing the training are going off to uni,” Ms Coslovich said.
“We’re forever looking for more to get involved.”
They also need a hand with basic computer classes.
“To date we’ve had people who have really good IT experience but are too experienced to be able to come back and deliver it to someone who knows nothing,” she said.
Dandenong Neighbourhood House is at 34 King Street, Dandenong.
Phone 9792 5298.