Firefighting knows no borders

FRNSW Chief Superintendent and Chief of Staff Mal Connellan, centre, exchanges plaques with Dandenong Fire Brigade operations officers Paul Carrigg and Greg Chistison. 127365 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


DANDENONG Fire Brigade strengthened ties with its New South Wales counterparts last week.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Chief Superintendent and Chief of Staff Mal Connellan visited the 10 Victorian fire stations where his crews were deployed during the Hazelwood mine fire earlier this year.
Dandenong was among the stations where Mr Connellan presented a plaque in recognition of a strengthening relationship between the fire services to work together to protect lives and properties across the country.
Dandenong Fire Brigade operations officer Paul Carrigg presented Mr Connellan with a thank you plaque in return.
At Dandenong Fire Brigade’s 120th annual dinner on 13 September NSW Fire Brigade Chief Superintendent Rob McNeil thanked the crew for hosting NSW fire fighters over summer.
Mr McNeil said he was impressed with the brigade’s response times and the secondment had “rejuvenated” his staff.
“Interacting with fire fighters from another state has lifted their enthusiasm. We gained more than we gave,” he said.
“It doesn’t matter where you serve, our job is the same – to serve the community.
“Thanks for having us and we’ll come back any time.”