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Performers bring the reality of World War I to life. 127730 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS


NOBLE Park RSL took a step back in time last Tuesday to mark 100 years since World War I began.
Victoria’s Journey of Remembrance brought the reality of The Great War to life with skits and songs.
Sub-branch president John Meehan said it was fantastic and very informative.
“Some of the audience were in tears at times because of reminiscing back to the feelings of young kids going off to war,” he said.
“It was beautiful.
“People thanked us for putting on the show.”
Mr Meehan said it was great that the free community road show was visiting schools and other community groups around Victoria.
“It’s giving these kids a look at our heritage, and the sacrifice these young men and women made,” he said.
Victoria’s Journey of Remembrance is part of the State Government’s Anzac Centenary program (2014-2018) and includes a short film, theatre presentation, addresses and a Centenary Commemorative Information Pack.
The program will encourage and support Victorians to learn more about their WWI history and work within their community to commemorate the Anzac Centenary.