Dandenong Pultney planning approval 'disgraceful'

If the chain of events regarding the multi-level building approved for Pultney Street in Dandenong unfolded as outlined in the Greater Dandenong Weekly article of October 1, they are extremely disappointing and nothing short of disgraceful.

The question needs to be asked: Does Dandenong really need local ward councillors? Obviously the three Red Gum ward councillors did not vote and a Silverleaf ward councillor was closed down because he lives in the street — this is not good enough! Seems Cr Paul Donovan is running with his tail between his legs — not recontesting after voting the proposal in along with Cr Angela Long’s cop-out. 

With Cr Jim Memeti’s obvious conflict of interest in the Pultney Street development, was he asked to leave the room at previous meetings and discussions regarding the lead-up to the council’s involvement and decision making? 

We applaud Cr Yvonne Herring’s comments and assume that the approval was granted upon the council officers recommended design changes. Will approval be overturned if these changes are not made? 

As an ex-mayor, current councillor and his vested interest in the project, one would think that Cr Memeti would have been well informed with relation to the 30-odd items that don’t comply with The Greater (maybe not so Greater) Dandenong Planning Scheme prior to lodging the application for approval. 

As residents of Macpherson Street, these issues are close to us also and I would ask whether council meeting minutes are available to residents and ratepayers of Dandenong. 

With upcoming council elections, a large number of Dandenong residents, including ourselves, quite frankly are wondering whether there will be any long-term benefits in voting. 

It is apparent that due considerations are not falling in the direction of the people of Dandenong. Perhaps a vote of no confidence in the council should be entered into.  

— Lawrence McCoy, Macpherson Street, Dandenong