Dandenong Your Say: Letters to the Editor

Re: Public transport stop-start

It would be crazy to think that building more roads is an answer to our transport and traffic congestion problem. If that were the case, we would have rectified these issues long ago with the amount of new roads that have been built over the past decade. The only answer is to develop, extend and improve our public transport system.

– Nina Springle, Greater Dandenong Council candidate for Paperbark Ward

Bureaucrats do wonderful things with our money. The bridge for the Dingley Arterial over Cheltenham Road was built, at great expense, in lieu of traffic lights as proposed in original plans to cut back on the number of traffic lights in that section of Cheltenham Road. 

I went past that section of Cheltenham Road last Tuesday and noticed workmen installing what seemed to be a pedestrian crossing with lights right next to the overpass, about 200 metres from an existing set of lights at Supercheap Auto. 

Why build the overpass there in the first place if traffic is still going to be subject to more stop and go with these lights? It’s money down the drain. But why would they worry? It’s not their money they are spending.

– David Osborne, Keysborough

Re: Charity group seeks pokies

Doxa Social Club’s push to reinstate its poker machines in Dandenong (Weekly, September 10) is a double standard, even though the club donated $1.3 million of its combined $13.39 million pokies revenue for 2010-11 to Doxa Youth Foundation (DYF). 

The aim of DYF is to help young people attain or rediscover a balanced path in life. It does them a great disservice by taking financial advantage of revenue from poker machines that could open to them the risk of later falling into bad gambling habits, whether addiction or not. 

Problem gambling among adults, with distressing and vast economic, personal, family and social costs, is already a well known curse on our society. A refusal by the City of Greater Dandenong to approve the DSC application would be a wise decision and benefit everyone. 

– Peter Phillips, Springvale

Re: Apartment project gets council nod

If the chain of events regarding the multilevel building approved for Pultney Street in Dandenong unfolded as outlined in this Weekly article, they are extremely disappointing and nothing short of disgraceful and the question needs to be asked: does Dandenong really need local ward councillors? 

Obviously, the three Red Gum Ward councillors did not vote and a Silverleaf Ward councillor was closed down because he lives in the street — this is not good enough. 

We applaud Cr Yvonne Herring’s comments and assume that the approval was granted after the council officers recommended design changes. 

As residents of MacPherson Street, these issues are close to us also and I would ask whether council meeting minutes are available to residents and ratepayers of Dandenong. With council elections looming, a large number of Dandenong residents, including ourselves, are wondering whether there will be any long-term benefits in voting.

– Lawrence McCoy, MacPherson Street, Dandenong

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In the lead-up to next month’s council elections, the Weekly requires letters and comments on municipal issues submitted for publication, whether online or in print, to carry the author’s or commentator’s full address and telephone number, for purposes of verification only. The Weekly reserves the right to exclude material that is not fully identified. The editor’s decisions will be final.

The editor

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The Weekly welcomes letters no longer than 250 words. All letters are subject to editing and must include a name, address and phone number. Post: The Editor, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175, or email eastvoice@yourweekly.com.au. Post a web comment to any story on this website.