Extending gift of support for special kids

Helping hand: Setsuko Nakazawa and daughter Minori are looking forward to some extra help for the youngest member of the family, Takeru . Picture: Rob Carew


BEING a parent can be tough at the best of times but for Noble Park North resident Setsuko Nakazawa the balancing act can be even harder.

Ms Nakazawa is a single parent with two children, the younger of whom, Takeru, has autism. It can be a challenge, she says, to look after her children and still have time for herself.

“You really have to organise everything,” Ms Nakazawa said.

It is a common story for families of children with disabilities, with carers often expending all their energy on their loved ones, leaving precious little time for other things.

That’s where organisations like Extended Families come in to help. Based across Melbourne, it provides support and respite to children with disabilities and their families.

It also encourages and promotes the inclusion of these families within the wider community.

One of its programs helps connect an individual volunteer or family with a child and their family, to provide some support and companionship.

In the case of Ms Nakazawa and six-year-old Takeru, they have recently been matched with Jenny Corrie, who will see the family once a fortnight to begin with. It is something Ms Corrie is looking forward to.

“It not only gives Setsuko time to spend doing something for herself, it’s an opportunity for Takeru to meet other people,” she said.

With no other family in Australia, Ms Nakazawa still manages to get outside, revealing a love of the water through sailing and Takeru enjoying swimming lessons. He is now in his second year at a special development school after a spending time at a regular kindergarten.

Ms Nakazawa said her son enjoyed reading and was quick to learn the alphabet. He even knows a few Japanese words.

Ms Corrie said she had always wanted to work with disabled children and Extended Families had provided all the support needed to make sure the experience would work out.

She said the help volunteers provided was invaluable.

“I feel it’s incredibly important for them. For these parents to be able to have time out is not only important for them but also for the other siblings.”

To find out more about Extended Families services or to join as a volunteer, call 9285 4838 or visit extendedfamilies.org.au.