Toddler locked in hot car


A TODDLER was allegedly left locked in a car in Noble Park North yesterday (Tuesday), as the temperature soared above 30 degrees.
Paramedics and a CFA crew were called to the vehicle about 11.30am and an Ambulance Victoria spokesman said the child did not require transport to hospital.
The incident was among six similar calls that day, and is being treated as an accident.
Advanced life support paramedic Ben Dalton said whether an accident or a deliberate decision, the result of locking a child in a car was the same.
“Sadly two children have died in hot cars in Victoria in the last few years,” he said.
“Children can’t regulate their body temperature like adults can, which puts them at significant risk.
“It’s never okay to leave a child locked in a car, even for a minute or two.
“It’s important to keep the car keys in your hand so there’s no chance of them being locked in the car with your child.”