Drones to target landfill ‘hotspots’

A fire at the SBI landfill in Ballarto Road Cranbourne in November. 371172_01 Picture: GARY SISSONS

The state’s pollution watchdog is set to use drones to prevent fires at landfills and waste recovery businesses over summer.

EPA Victoria announced random drone flyovers using thermal imaging technology to check for hot spots and to ensure waste piles were managed.

“We’ve seen in the past that fires at waste and recycling facilities are potentially devastating,” EPA acting executive director of operations Rachel Gualano said.

“They represent an unacceptable risk to Victorians, the environment and industry, and could result in clean-up costs in the millions of dollars.”

Gualano said the program would target “high risk sites” by inspectors on the ground and drones in the air.

“We’re sending a message to waste and recycling operators; there’s no excuse for failing to properly manage their fire risk and if they haven’t or won’t, EPA will use its powers to enforce compliance with the regulations.”

Between November 2022 and October 2023, the EPA’s fire prevention inspectors fined five waste facilities and issued 117 remedial notices and four official warnings as well as providing advice on 400 occasions.

The authority has six active prosecutions against facilities where fires occurred needlessly because they had not taken the preventative measures they should have.

Some of the hazards and unsafe practices found include the improper management and storage of combustible and recyclable waste, failing to identify risks on site and inadequate maintenance of fire suppression equipment.

In some instances, non-compliances were issued for failure to maintain controls in good working order.

“EPA’s teams found that despite regular contact, up to 60 per cent of operators were not fully complying with environmental regulations in some way.

“Where appropriate, advice for minor non-compliances was given but legally enforceable orders for the more serious hazards have also been issued, to ensure each business is addressing any issues on its site.”

Under Victoria’s new environment protection law, duty holders must understand fire risks and use appropriate measures to eliminate or reduce them.

“When EPA says it has zero tolerance to fire hazards, we mean fire is not an option,” Gualano said.

This year, fires have been reported at SBI Landfill at Ballarto Road, Cranbourne and Veolia landfill at Hallam Road, Hampton Park.