Traders up in arms over mosque parking

Parking anger: Cleeland Street shopkeepers Kan Ramasamy, and Wan Zheng are upset with the congregation from a local mosque using their car parking. Picture: Wayne Hawkins


SHOPKEEPERS in a Dandenong street are angry that a parking shortage is forcing worshippers from a mosque to use spaces reserved for their customers.

Cleeland Street traders say some of the congregation from the Emir Sultan Mosque in Hopkins Street are ignoring half-hour parking restrictions in front of their stores, driving away potential customers. 

The shopping strip is in a high traffic area with Chisholm TAFE, Dandenong Hospital, Dandenong Oasis and two schools all within a one-kilometre stretch.

Kan’s Tasty Foods owner Kan Ramasamy said Fridays were a major problem and that his takeaway business suffered during this period. “I prepare all this food but then I lose the customers. I lose a lot of money,” he said.

A regular customer, who did not want to be named, said the problem was so bad that he considered shopping elsewhere. “I don’t want to spend 10-15 minutes looking for a park.”

Another shopkeeper, Wally Chauly, said the whole area suffered from a lack of parking and that the mosque’s congregation had little option but to park wherever they could. 

“If the council came out here on Friday and enforced the restrictions, we wouldn’t have a problem,” he said. A council spokeswoman said the street was patrolled as often as resources allowed.

Emir Sultan Mosque imam Salih Dogan said he was unaware that members of its congregation had ignored restrictions. “We try our best to be mindful of the local community. I will let our congregation know about their concerns.”

Cr Matthew Kirwan said a number of businesses in small shopping strips were experiencing parking issues and acknowledged it was important for their survival. He believed there could be more parking problems when the mosque expanded. 

“It’s essential the council work with shop owners to ensure that there is appropriate parking restrictions and that they are enforced.”

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