Refugees seek stolen bicycles

Refugees Chandran and Satheesh with Sri Samy. 106626 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


THIEVES have deprived asylum seekers in Greater Dandenong of much-needed transport.
Friends of Refugees volunteer Sri Samy had collected three bikes from the group’s storage shed in Noble Park to deliver to refugees.
“I had a few other urgent deliveries and pick-ups so I unloaded the bikes in my front yard – about 25 feet from the fence where we have left our bikes and many other items in our front yard before – and came home late in the evening to find it all gone,” she said.
Friends of Refugees shed is set up with donated tools and trained volunteer asylum seekers to work on donated bikes.
“We buy spare parts, helmets and teach basic road rules and road safety before handing over a bike to the asylum seekers,” Ms Samy said.
“The asylum seekers use it to access the library, English classes, support groups, stores and more without having to use public transport or walk for hours.
“We have about 70 on the waitlist for the bikes.
“So far we have helped 40-plus asylum seekers with bikes.
“Bikes are hard to come by and I am very upset with myself for this to happen on my watch.”
The bikes taken were a purple unisex bike with a white basket, an old blue ladies bike and a red/white unisex bike.
“Hopefully, the bikes will be returned,” Ms Samy said.
Email Friends of Refugees at to assist.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 with any information about the missing bikes.