Face search

RESIDENTS from the City of Greater Dandenong may be the new face of next year’s phone directory.
Sensis is calling for nominations of outstanding local people who are working to create a better future for their community.
These people will go in the running to be featured on the cover of next year’s Yellow Pages and White Pages directory themed Australians Creating a Better Future.
To nominate someone for the cover of the books, visit www.whitepagescommunity.com.au/nominate, email coversprogram@sensis.com.au; fax your nominations to 03 8416 6779; or post to Australians Creating a Better Future, Locked Bag 6005, Richmond VIC 3121. You must write in 200 words or less how your nominee has made a positive impact on your community.
Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 24 September.