High-rise Little India update

Shady trees will be part of the dramatically changed streetscapes.

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

A residents group has criticized a second attempt at community consultation for the proposed $600 million Little India redevelopment in central Dandenong.

The 15-year transformational plan includes a new retail laneway, hotel, office and apartment towers across five large lots in the Foster Street precinct.

The developer Capital Alliance, with Development Victoria, will host an online public briefing session on Tuesday 11 October and in-person briefings on Tuesday 18 October.

Development Victoria stated the sessions would provide an updated masterplan following public feedback earlier this year.

“There will be an opportunity to ask more questions about the master plan to understand the next steps,” a spokesperson stated.

“The information sessions are being delivered online and in person to ensure more people can be involved.”

Dandenong Community Association spokesperson Silvia Mastrogiovanni said she was disappointed by the lack of pre-publicity as well as the sessions being set on Tuesdays only.

“How can the State Government make the developer in charge of the consultation. It’s like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

“Dandenong residents don’t have a clear idea what they are getting with this development. How will increased traffic through Foster Street be managed? How will the increased parking needs be met?

“There are a lot of questions and it is hard to get accessible opportunities to find them out.”

The DCA previously criticised the scantly-publicised first round of consultations in March which only attracted 50 participants.

An online survey attracted just 12 respondents.

According to a Capital Alliance summary, most of the survey respondents supported the draft master plan’s “vision”.

The redevelopment will occur at seven stages around Foster Street, bounded by Settlers Square, Dandenong train station, Halpin Way, Thomas Street and Cheltenham Road.

The first stage also includes a supermarket, food market hall and apartment building, with Little India retailers relocated to a new laneway between Halpin Way and Foster Street.

The project includes at least 470 new dwellings, as well as a 29-storey hotel and conference centre, 29-storey office tower and an outdoor plaza on the corner of Foster Street and Cheltenham Road.

An urban brewery entertainment district and supermarket will be the last stage constructed from 2038.

A community centre near Settlers Square, and a school at the corner of Mason and Foster Street will also be built.

The project is touted to create more than 2600 jobs during construction and 5000 ongoing.

Construction is expected to start in 2023 subject to government approvals.

To register for the information sessions, email rcd@capitalalliance.com.au

Details: rcd.capitalalliance.com.au