100 years ago
15 June 1922
Riding bicycles on footpaths
Pedestrians will be pleased to see by our police court report that Sergt Hehir is keeping his eyes on lads who ride their bicycles along our footpaths, a practice which is becoming a nuisance and a danger to the public. Quite recently a boy was riding along a much-used foot path at a fast pace, when he collided with a lady, knocked her against a fence and saluted her with “look out Missus!” However, it’s the lads themselves who will have to “look out” as the police are determined to put a stop to the nuisance.
50 years ago
13 June 1972
35hr week bid snubbed
Shop owners in Dandenong are vehemently opposed to the introduction of a 35-hour working week. No one businessman interviewed by the Journal late last week favoured a shorter working week. Most traders interviewed said costs would have to rise to off-set a reduction in the output time for each individual. Most also considered the country’s economy was “not ready“ for the shorter week scheme. Mr F Schilling of Furniture World said a 35-hour week probably would have another effect outside of the immediate industries in which the shorter week was introduced. People would have more leisure time at home to do jobs which they would otherwise pay qualified tradesmen to do.
20 years ago
10 June 2002
Cheaper performing arts centre proposed
Greater Dandenong Council seems likely to adopt a proposed smaller, cheaper version of a regional performing arts centre at the Dandenong Town Hall. It is believed the majority of councillors support new plans revealed to them at a briefing last week proposing a $12.4m 520-seat facility as opposed to a $5m general refurbishment of the town hall. It is also believed the council would retain the $5m the state government had committed to the initial facility which would reduce the cost of the newer version to about $7m. Greater Dandenong mayor Paul Donovan confirmed the council was looking at a new performing arts centre proposal. “At this stage we are still reviewing the option. We have given the design brief to the designers and are sifting through all our options for the Town Hall.”
5 years ago
12 June 2017
Next Steps mark a milestone at reconciliation event
Dandenong’s Harmony Square hosted a National Reconciliation Week event. ‘Let’s take the next steps’ was the theme for the week, which ran from 27 May to 3 June, so the staircase to the public space played a key part in the ceremony on Friday 2 June. Wurundjeri elders provided a traditional welcome and smoking ceremony at the flag raising event. Reconciliation Week commemorates the 1967 referendum and the Mabo decision, and this year these events reached significant milestones. It is 50 years since the 1967 referendum and 25 years since the Mabo decision.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society