Breakfast Club serves students well

Breakfast club baristas Bianca and Natasha.

Hot drinks and breakfast are on the menu once a week at Killester College in Springvale.

Since term 1, year 11 and 12 students as well as teachers have been volunteering at the Breakfast Club.

Students are given the choice of a drink and toast or cereal to kick-start their day. Teachers are also able to buy drinks, with funds used to keep the program running.

Year 11 VCAL student Eden said the club gave her experience as a barista.

“It makes me feel good to do something for others.

“It is a great opportunity for students.”

Year 12 VCAL leader Bianca said her 2021 class designed the club’s outdoor seating area and chose the coffee machines using a Lynne Kosky VCAL Memorial Grant.

“It is wonderful to see the Breakfast Club operating on a regular basis after all our efforts in planning it in 2021.”