Body of glasswork

Rose-Mary Faulkner's work Profile (2021) embeds photos of her body in glass.

Entrancing glass works from 10 leading artists are exclusively visiting Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre this week.

Upending Expectations: Contemporary Glass is a travelling exhibition curated by Frances Lindsay AM and produced by gallery Canberra Glassworks.

One of the artists Rose-Mary Faulkner overlaid abstracted digital photos of her own body with kiln-formed glass.

The works looked at “her own body through her own eyes as a lens”, Canberra Glassworks artistic director Aimee Frodsham says.

“She takes these incredibly beautiful and sensual photographs of herself and she overlays those images and embeds them in the glass.”

Other featured artists are Gabriella Bisetto, Cobi Cockburn, Nadege Desgenetez, Mel Douglas, Nicholas Folland, Kirstie Rea, Harriet Schwarzrock and Brendan Van Hek as well as UK artist Annie Cattrell.

Ms Frodsham says the exhibition depicts the body, landscape and transformed light in the space.

It featured a range of techniques including glass-blowing, kiln-forming, neon, flame-working, and hot-sculpting.

The exhibition closes with a conversation with the artist Rose-Mary Faulkner at Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre at 3pm on Friday 5 August.