100 years ago
24 May 1923
Country Telephones
The Postmaster General (Mr Gibson) is giving consideration to an important suggestion that the charges for telephone calls in the country should be made according to the distance of the direct route between the two towns in communication, instead of charging for the actual mileage covered by the telephone line. The charge would be made on a calculation of the mileage “as the crow flies”. At present persons using telephones in the country are connected in many instances by indirect routes, so that the length of the telephone line is much greater than the actual distance between the two points of conversation. It is proposed to divide the State into a number of squares for the purpose of calculating the distance between the towns connected by telephone. As the charges are now based on the actual mileage covered by the telephone lines, it is expected that the proposed system, if adopted, would result in a loss of revenue.
50 years ago
22 May 1973
60,000 watch pageant
An estimated 60,000 spectators packed Dandenong’s main street on Saturday for a parade to commemorate the city’s centenary of local government. It was the biggest crowd ever to attend a single event in Dandenong. Spectators packed both sides of the road from Pultney St to the Scout Hall in Princes Hwy, where the procession dispersed at 3.30pm; jut 1½ hours after it began. Almost 100 floats – described by the same people who judged the Moomba procession as “comparable with Moomba and showing great originality” – took part as well as bands, matching girls, baton twirlers, sports groups, and clowns. The Mayor of Dandenong Councillor Warren Titcher said: “I have never seen such a crowd in Dandenong. The attendance more than justified the two-year preparation for the event.”
20 years ago
19 May 2003
Labor attacks budget ‘insult’
Medicare and education reforms in the Federal Government’s budget were an ‘insult’ to Dandenong families, Holt MP Anthony Byrne claimed last week. Mr Byrne said Medicare remained the headline issue. He claimed last week the Government was trying to ‘abolish’ the system, a move which would impact heavily on Dandenong families. In last week’s budget the Government announced it would continue to reform Medicare, give income tax cuts to all taxpayers and allow universities to increase fees. For people earning $30,000 – $50,000 the Government’s proposed tax cut equates to $4 a week. Mr Byrne said a Labor Government would save Medicare. “We are about saving Medicare and making education affordable to young people.”
5 years ago
21 May 2018
Rubbish dumpers should face tougher penalties says Greater Dandenong Council. It’s advocating for increases in fines and more money to fight dumping in a bid to clean up its streets. Dandenong resident Adam Kukic said he was “ashamed” to see piles of rubbish on Clow Street while attending Dandenong’s Anzac Day March. He said the problem was prevalent outside blocks of flats. “We do have one pick up a year which people should utilise,” said Mr Kukic.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society