Looking Back

Dandenong Town Hall, long before the council sought to convert it into a performing arts centre. 173387_36

100 years ago

19 July 1923


In another five weeks ratepayers throughout Victoria will be called upon to give their verdict once more in connection with the important question of municipal representation, and questions are now being asked as to “Who is coming out?” This is owing to the already expressed intentions of councillors in the Dandenong, Cranbourne, Berwick and Mulgrave Shires to retire from Council life. Unfortunately, amongst those retiring are men possessing ability and the necessary qualifications for civic government. These councillors will be missed at the council table. There certainly is not anything “attractive” about shire council work today, and the men who takes it up quickly realises this. The remuneration is nil, and the honour which was attracted to the position is fast disappearing, the one-time high esteem and appreciation in which councillors were held being supplanted by carping criticism, fault finding and frequently unfair comment from the ratepayers.

50 years ago

19 July 1973

What the council has done

How much recreational land has Dandenong council developed over the years? How much recreational does it own? How much has the development cost and what do these areas cost to maintain annually? There are some of the questions which councillor Maurie Jarvis wants answered so ratepayers can appreciate what council has done in this regard over the years. At the last council meeting Councillor Jarvis said many individuals and organisations had reaped benefits from council’s policy of buying land for recreational activities. He said, I am proud to say that the job we have done has been second-to-none in this regard. We had nothing in 1955 and now we have tremendous recreational facilities.

20 years ago

21 July 2003

‘Let’s Do It’

Champagne flowed last week to celebrate a decision that has drawn the Dandenong Town Hall redevelopment closer to construction. Greater Dandenong councillors last week voted against a motion to abandon plans to redevelop the town hall into a performing arts centre expected to cost $12.7 million. Councillors were split over the notice of motion submitted by Cr John Kelly, seeking the current proposal be abandoned in favour of the refurbishment of the town hall. Councillors voted five all for the motion, with Mayor Kevin Walsh using his casting vote to go against the motion. The decision has pleased some councillors as well as Dandenong traders, who celebrated in front of the town hall last Thursday

5 years ago

16 July 2018

Sport gets a right serve

A $75 million plan to upgrade Greater Dandenong’s sports pavilions and lights has been dismissed by a Greater Dandenong councillor as funding “declining” team sports. Cr Matthew Kirwan, in solely opposing the 25 year sports facilities plan, said the most popular recreational activities were not team sports. He pointed to the council’s 2015 survey that showed the top five pursuits were walking, swimming, running, cycling and fitness activities. “Team sports like basketball, soccer and tennis took up spots six, seven and nine and all showed declining participation,” Cr Kirwan said.

Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society