Looking Back

Ramesh Kumar, Maya Gvozden and Nika Suwarsih ahead of the 2019 Unity in Diversity Festival. 198402_02 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

100 years ago

11 October 1923

An Explanation

To the Editor

Sir – Will you kindly, through the columns of your valuable paper, permit me to make an explanation regarding the press report of a case in the Dandenong Police Court of 24 September. I refer to the case of T M Farrar V Elizabeth Arthur. Defendant at Carrum Downs on 28th August did use insulting words within hearing of persons in a public place – Adjourned for 7 days. I wish to say that never at any time, neither in public nor in private, nor on any occasion have I used insulting words to T M Farrar, and that T M Farrar is quite aware of this. I have never received a summons nor had any intimation from him that he intended proceedings against me. As T M Farrar now appears to have let the matter drop it seems to me that he has attained his objective through the Press, that he has a case against me. I can only arrive at the conclusion that this is an attempt to blacken my character, and that the insulting words within hearing of persons in a public place is a wicked fabrication on his part. If Mr T M Farrar desires to prove his sincerity he surely will now summons me through the proper channel. If he does not do so, I ask the readers of the ”Journal” to believe my statement and to judge for themselves. Yours Elisabeth Arthur.

50 years ago

11 October 1973

Waiting rooms ‘distrust’

Some doctors were using their waiting rooms for blatant and unfair propaganda against the proposed health plan, Mr Max Oldmeadow MHR said last week. Mr Oldmeadow the member for Holt said: “I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not criticising all doctors, because not all are guilty of using unfair propaganda. Some waiting rooms, however, are plastered with posters and slogans designed to sow fear and distrust in the minds of the public. Patients are being told they will not be able to keep their present doctor. This is utter nonsense.”

20 years ago

13 October 2003

Concert plan hits a wrong note

Residents opposing the planned $12 million redevelopment of Dandenong Town Hall are considering staging a protest during a free community concert on November 2nd. ‘Ritz at the Town Hall’ will feature world-renowned jazz pianist Allan Zavod, who played with Frank Zappa. Former mayor (1992) Christine Ware, who is treasurer of the residents and ratepayers’ association, said there could be more people outside the hall demonstrating than inside the concert.

5 years ago

8 October 2018

Celebrating strong unity

On Sunday 4 October Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre (SMRC) will be celebrating unity in diversity in Dandenong to mark its significant presence in the region. It will be a day that will bring together the diverse cultures that make up the communities around Dandenong in a family-centred carnival style landscape. The festival will be held at 39 Clow street. Patrons will be treated to an assortment of cultural performances throughout the day. There will be plenty to surprise and delight visitors including buskers, face painters, henna artisans, drumming circles and a chance to get up close and personal with a baby animal at the petting zoo.

Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society