100 years ago
22 May 1924
Another Shock
The astounding low prices which are quoted for prime cuts of beef at H. Law’s shop are causing a great amount of surprise and satisfaction. What strikes the thrifty housewife most is in the following items, quoted as cash over the counter bargains: For a family joint, 12lbs, back rib roast 5/-; stewing steak, 6d. per pound; frying steak 9d; sugar corned beef 9d; shins of beef 3d; boiling beef 5d. We invite all to receive a “shock” in the way of a free ticket to purchasers on Friday or Saturday, of 10/- value of beef for cash, which will entitle the holder to see “The Shock” next Saturday at the Town Hall.
50 years ago
21 May 1974
Moves to curb floods
The Dandenong Valley Authority has forwarded a consultant’s report to Berwick City Council on the treatment of flooding in Heatherton Road. Contained within the report were three alternative development schemes to curb flooding by Dandenong Creek. The first scheme suggests increasing the flood immunity without improvements to Heatherton Rd. This could be done by constructing an open earth drain about 8oo feet north of Heatherton Rd and other constructions. Scheme two would aim at raising the level of the existing floodway at Heatherton Rd. They say lifting would be between 12 inches and 18 inches and would result in immunity except once in 5 years. Scheme three suggests the type of work necessary if Heatherton Road is lifted above flood level. Commenting on the report, the City Engineer, Mr Max Pawsey said the authority should proceed with stage one of the first scheme and then carry out further model tests to ascertain a staged program of future works.
20 years ago
17 May 2004
Aldi goes to market
Supermarket chain Aldi is set to operate from a council-built store on the Dandenong Market site amid threats of a stall holders’ boycott. The supermarket is a key component of plans for a $15 million market redevelopment. It is estimated to cost $1.86 million and would be rented to Aldi on a 15-year lease at $390,000 per year. The store would open in September 2005. One trader said “we’re not happy and there are a lot of issues. We’ve asked what real benefit a supermarket will bring and they can’t answer.” City Services Group Manager, Carl Wulff said it was understandable that traders were apprehensive about change, but the “end product” would make the market more viable.
5 years ago
20 May 2019
Battlers ignored
Labor MPs in the Greater Dandenong area were emphatically returned, while their party crushingly lost the “unlosable” 18 May federal election. ALP incumbents MPs Julian Hill (in the seat of Bruce), Clare O’Neil (Hotham) and Mark Dreyfus (Isaacs) were re-elected with greater margins than 2016. Mr Hill, while “delighted” and “humbled” by the local result, said constituents were “devastated” that Labor didn’t ascend to power.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society