By Shaun Inguanzo
LONG-SERVING Wallarano Primary School staff in Noble Park were honoured by the school community at a special assembly last Friday.
Principal David Duff said the school council had decided to honour staff – both teaching and non-teaching – for periods of service such as five, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years.
“The school council felt it wanted to recognise staff and Education Week was a good time to do that,” he said.
“We’ve never done it before and staff don’t really get recognition from the Education Department until they retire.
“And even then it’s only if it is a milestone of 30 or more years.”
Mr Duff said the school had 18 five-year staff, six at 10 years, six at 15 years, one at 20 years, and one at 25 years.
The assembly was a conclusion to the school’s Education Week celebrations.
“Education Week was great,” Mr Duff said.
“We had open classrooms, an information evening to highlight other programs here, and we also had healthy eating as our push for the week, so we had healthy lunches.”