Council’s rejection of budget a ‘silly’ move

By Shaun Inguanzo
GREATER Dandenong Council looks ‘silly’ after refusing to adopt its 2006/07 budget and instead sending it for an urgent overhaul by the city’s newly-appointed interim CEO, according to one councillor.
Councillors refused the budget this week after a public submission from interim CEO Bryan Payne received one week before his appointment warned of serious financial consequences for the council’s bank balance if the draft budget was implemented.
The budget was refused in a nine-to-two vote and Dandenong North Ward councillor John Kelly said the decision would make council look silly in the public’s eyes.
“It is a backwards step, this is the first time I can remember seeing this happen,” he said.
“If councillors want savings, then let’s ask the executive to have a look at it once it is passed.”
Cr Kelly said the only written concern he had seen was the public submission by Mr Payne, which at the time of Monday’s meeting was distributed to councillors with a confidential tag.
Mr Payne this week told Star he had made the submission because he felt the current draft budget would send council’s bank balances deeper into overdraft.
“The submission was based on the public documents on display,” he said. “I think there are some significant problems with the budget. There has been a fair increase in expenditure. I want answers to that.”
Council is expected to have a budget ready by the 27 June council meeting.
Mr Payne would not say whether rates would increase or decrease as a result of the changes.