Pool push

By Bridget Cook
WITH stage two now in the swim of things, Greater Dandenong council is now pushing for further funding for the Noble Park ‘More Than Just a Pool’ Campaign.
The council is calling on the State Government to provide $1.8 million to fund stage three of the project, which includes a youth precinct with volleyball courts, basketball courts and a skate park.
Last week the State Government ensured the project would stay afloat, announcing $1 million for Stage two of the project – the indoor, warm water pool component. Stage one can now go ahead.
Greater Dandenong community services director Mark Doubleday said while the council welcomed the additional funding, it still required an additional $1.8 million to complete the final stage of its aquatic vision for Noble Park.
“The council is very keen to build a comprehensive set of facilities that enhance the social and economic outcomes for Noble Park and the surrounding communities,” he said.
“The youth precinct is a key component of the Noble Park ‘More than Just a Pool’ project and securing this funding is vital to the council and the community in achieving the long-term vision for Noble Park.”
Mr Doubleday said the youth precinct was included in the project following a report by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, which looked at the experiences of young Sudanese people, in particular in Greater Dandenong and Noble Park.
Mr Doubleday said the report highlighted how local government could use better use of public open space and community space to foster community integration and cultural harmony.
“The youth precinct would be a place where young people could enjoy activity together in the community’s visibility,” he said.
“It would be great for the community to see young people doing things together and enjoying each others company, regardless of culture or age.
“It would be a constructive environment which would help change the perception of Noble Park.”