They find people jobs

A SPRINGVALE based job agency has placed more than 300 workers this year.
PVS Workfind is a leading provider in the area, with a leading five star government rating.
PVS Workfind Springvale Branch Manager Van Tran said the agency assisted job seekers with varying levels of skills and experience.
“The local jobs market is experiencing a lack of available positions in the industrial sector where employers are prepared to take on unskilled workers and train them up,” Mr Tran said. “Despite this, having 306 more locals in employment is an encouraging sign for the local economy and should fill the community with confidence for the year.”
Mr Train said PVS Workfind Springvale had received a five star rating from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for nine or 10 consecutive years, making it a leading agency in the area. “What this means is job seekers who come to PVS Workfind for assistance have a great chance of finding and keeping a job,” Mr Tran said. “Likewise, local employers have a high chance of gaining work-ready and enthusiastic employees.”