By Nicole Williams
RESIDENTS fighting to have the bus route returned to Herbert Street have the support of Greater Dandenong Council.
Councillor Angela Long put forward a motion at last week’s council meeting for mayor Roz Blades to write to Grenda Transit and the Minister of Transport seeking the return of the 850 bus route to the street.
The bus was re-routed to Princes Highway last year after a trial closure of Herbert Street because of safety concerns for students crossing between the two Dandenong High School campuses.
The road has reopened but the bus hasn’t returned.
“We have got the road opened, we assumed the bus service would come back as well,” Herbert Street resident Linda Meurs said.
“What’s the problem with just bringing it back the way it was?”
Cr Long said a lot of people who live in Herbert Street were elderly and relied on the bus service.
“The people of Herbert Street are missing out,” she said.
A spokesperson for Grenda Transit said the re-routed bus was still within the 400-metre guideline set by the Department of Transport and there were still safety concerns with students in the street.
“Although they say it is 400 metres, that is nearly half a kilometre from the nearest bus service,” Cr Long said.
“It’s not really that far but it’s far for someone who has trouble walking,” Ms Meurs said.
Cr Long said she was concerned the re-routed bus was taking shoppers out of the Greater Dandenong area.
“The 850 bus went to the Dandenong market but it does not stop at the market any more,” she said.
“A few people now go to Waverley Gardens because the bus stops directly out the front.”
All councillors, except councillor Peter Brown, supported the motion.
“To focus on a particular group of aged people overlooks the fact moving it 400 metres disadvantages a whole heap of people in other streets,” Cr Brown said.