FIFTEEN kindergartens in the City of Greater Dandenong will get a funding boost from the Victorian Government.
The $2500 flexible grant will help provide early childhood education services with new information technology, equipment or other resources.
The State Liberal MP for the Southern Eastern Metropolitan, Inga Peulich, who is Parliamentary Secretary for Education, said the kindergartens would have the flexibility to use the funding as required.
“These grants are tailored to ensure kindergartens have the flexibility to spend the dollars in the areas most relevant to their needs,” Ms Peulich said.
“For some kindergartens that may be on play equipment, for others that may be on improving reading resources or information technology capabilities.”
The kindergartens to get the funding are in Dandenong, Dandenong North, Noble Park, Springvale and Springvale South.
“Early childhood education is a crucial part of every child’s development and I am happy that young children in Greater Dandenong will be better served due to this funding,” Ms Peulich said.
The funding is part of the Victorian Government’s $8.2 million kindergarten funding package.