Just add religion

By Nicole Williams
Despite a council policy not to fund festivals or events that endorse a particular religious belief, councillors approved two grants for religious celebrations in the first round of the 2011/2012 community support grants program.
Councillor Paul Donovan was the only councillor to object to the grants, which will now provide funds for an End of Ramadan Celebration and Eid Festival, both Islamic religious celebrations.
At the council meeting he asked why the council was approving grants for two Islamic celebrations when it was trying to move away from funding religious celebrations.
“As far as I understand, the council put in a policy that organisations asking for funding on a religious basis, would not meet the criteria,” Cr Donovan said.
“The two festivals are of a religious nature and I don’t think council should be spending ratepayer’s money supporting them.”
The Community Grants Program policy clearly states that “applications will be ineligible for funding if they seek to promote a particular religious or political belief”.
At the meeting, community services director Mark Doubleday said there was no clear distinction between the type of festivals, and any festival could be assessed for the program.
Councillor Angela Long moved the motion and said the applications were relevant and should be included.
“Dandenong is a very multicultural city and everyone has different religious views and have a right to celebrate different religions,” Cr Long said.
Although the applications were passed, both Cr Donovan and Cr Long questioned the criteria for funding of events and festivals if these religious celebrations made it through the assessment process.
“There is a lack of clarity in the distinction between a cultural festival and a religious festival,” Cr Donovan said.
“I think there is too much flexibility in the interpretation.”
“Some of the groups blur the line between religious and social/culture events.”
The applications had already been passed by the grants and sponsorships evaluation panel when it met on 31 May.
The two grants totalled $6045.45 in council funds.