Lisa’s last goodbye

Lisa O'Hara and husband Mani Guardado spend a precious moment together. 91533 Picture: MEAGAN ROGERS

LISA O’HARA might not live to see Christmas, but she’s determined to use her dying days to inspire others.
The Hallam 24-year-old will hold a “goodbye talk” at St John’s College, 5-11 Caroline Street, Dandenong, at 1pm on Sunday 16 December.
In April last year she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), in the major salivary gland behind her right ear. It had advanced to her lungs.
Lisa said it was particularly difficult news to hear because she was so fit and healthy.
“I take pride in looking after my physical wellbeing. I don’t drink alcohol and have never smoked,” she said.
The cancer has since caused several tumours and immense pain.
It’s destroyed the hearing in her right ear, caused vertebra in her neck to collapse, damaged her vision and caused a constant cough, headaches, nausea, extreme fatigue and light headedness.
She’s endured countless surgeries, radiation and drug trials to no avail.
In November last year doctors gave her three years to live, but last week she announced that “things aren’t looking too great for me”.
“So in true Lisa form I am holding one last inspirational Lisa goodbye talk,” she said.
“I just wanna talk for about 20 minutes to reinforce my message and then I will hang around as long as I need for people to ask questions, one-on-one time, just to say hi, give me a hug or anything they need.
“My belief is, and always has been, that I was put on this earth to help others be happy and healthy.”
Her palliative care team is keeping a close eye on her.
Doctors have told her she might not make it to Christmas.
“This has come as a big hit to me and my family,” she said.
“Needless to say we are not feeling that jolly this Christmas.
“I have still decided I will be putting a tree up in the living area of the new unit my now-husband and I have been renting.
“I have now been married for a month and living with my ever-adoring husband for two, and I do have to say married life is bliss.”
Friend Kelly Kooper said Lisa was “the most amazing person”.
“She has inspired so many people with her positive attitude and genuine love of people and of life,” she said.
“She has developed a great following on Facebook from people all over the world who have been anxiously checking in to see her progress throughout this time.
“In true Lisa form, she would like to spend what her doctors believe are her last remaining weeks inspiring other people.”
Lisa also hopes to raise as much funding as possible for the Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation.
“I’m proud of the life I’ve lived,” she said.
“I’ve had so much fun and have so many extraordinary memories.
“We should not take anything for granted and to live each day to the fullest.”
Lisa will have tops emblazoned with her mantra ‘Love Life’ available to purchase at the event for $25.
Coffee, tea and sandwiches will be provided.
Visit Facebook page Lisa O’Hara – Cancer (ACC) Page or Lisa’s blog at to leave messages of support.