Cinema under the Stars
SING along to ABBA songs at a special screening of Mamma Mia – The Movie in Tirhatuan Park.
The Rotary Club of Dandenong and City of Greater Dandenong event will also feature an animal farm, jumping castle, barbecue facilities, and short films from the Greater Dandenong Film Festival.
BYO blankets, seats and a picnic.
– Tirhatuan Park, Outlook Drive, North Dandenong. If it’s raining, the event will move to Rosewood Downs Primary School, Murray Road, Dandenong North. Saturday 5 April, 5.30pm. The feature will screen from 7.30pm.
Bubblewrap and Boxes
ACROBATICS, clowning and cardboard boxes are the theme of an award-winning children’s show on its way to Drum Theatre.
The ‘lost’ mailroom is a strange, dusty nowhere land for homeless parcels and undeliverable letters. A strange parcel throws the highly-strung mailroom dweller and his free-spirited new arrival into a quandary.
– Drum Theatre, corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong. Tuesday 8 April, 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Tickets from $14.50, including kids’ activities in the foyer before and after the show. Visit www.drumtheatre.com.au or call 8571 1666.
Transport forum
THE Eastern Transport Coalition will host a forum about the region’s transport needs.
There’ll be speakers from the government, Monash University and the RACV.
– Transport Forum. City of Greater Dandenong community facility at Springvale Reserve, Newcomen Road, Springvale. Wednesday 9 April, 8.30am for a 9am start to 1pm.
Waterway discovery ride
MEET Dandenong Valley wetland’s water bugs, birds and frogs on Melbourne Water’s free Dandenong Creek Catchment Crawl bike ride.
The 45-minute ride finishes at Tirhatuan Park with a free barbecue lunch and water bug discovery and art activities. Bikes and helmets provided.
– Meet at Dandenong Valley Wetlands, via petrol station on north-bound EastLink, Scoresby. Bookings essential. Call 131 722 or email waterwatch@melbournewater.com.au. Wednesday 9 April, 11am to 2pm.
School holiday DIY
BUNNINGS Warehouse Dandenong will host free kids DIY workshops throughout the school holidays.
There’ll be Easter-themed activities and practical and creative projects for all ages.
– Bunnings, 1-5 Gladstone Road, Dandenong. Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school holidays. Bookings recommended. Call 8792 9500 for more information.
A taste of India
TAKE a guided tour through Dandenong’s Little India to discover clothing, jewellery, food, film and music.
– Starting location advised on booking. Thursday 10 April, 6pm to 8pm. $45 per person, including tastings and meal. Bookings essential. Call 9771 5777 or visit www.greaterdandenong.com.
Dusty’s story on stage
THE Dusty Springfield Story stars Wendy Stapleton and takes the audience through Dusty’s life, from the early 1950s, through her chart-topping success, and into the ’90s.
– Drum Theatre, corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong. Thursday 10 April, matinee 10.30am to 11.45am and evening 8pm. The show is 110 minutes with interval. Tickets are from $14.50. Visit www.drumtheatre.com.au or call 8571 1666.
Cambodian New Year Festival
THIS community event marks the traditional Cambodian New Year period and incorporates Buddhist and Khmer observances and cuisine.
– 458-462 Springvale Road, Springvale South. Friday 11 April to Sunday 13 April. Call John Jago on 0417 384 498 for more information.
Circus with a twist
WORLD-renowned performance company Circa is bringing Wunderkammer to the Drum Theatre.
The production combines new circus, cabaret and vaudeville, blending expert circus skills with gentle subversive humour to produce a theatrical show with a sexy edge.
– Drum Theatre, corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong. Wednesday 16 April, 8pm. Visit www.drumtheatre.com.au or call 8571 1666 for tickets.
Bengali New Year
CELEBRATE the Bengali New Year at a community festival in Dandenong.
– Gloria Pyke Netball Complex, Greaves Reserve, Bennet Street, Dandenong. Saturday 19 April, 11am to 6pm. Entry is $2. Call Reza Siddique on 0404 086 277 for more information.
Sewing circle
THE Open Door invites anyone who likes sewing and would like to start a new project or continue with one to join its friendly group.
– The Open Door, 110 Ann Street, Dandenong. Tuesdays, 10am to noon. Suggested donation: $4. No experience necessary. Call Trish or Jo on 9791 8664 for more information.