A bowled drive

DANDENONG Cricket Club, in conjunction with the Dandenong District Cricket Association, Dandenong Women’s Cricket Club and Cricket Victoria, has organising a ‘Come and Try Day’ for budding young cricketers in the area.
Cricket is Australia’s much loved summer sport and clubs within the Dandenong District Cricket Association are now looking for boys and girls, aged between five and 16 years who reside within the City of Greater Dandenong – including the suburbs of Doveton, Doveton North and Hallam – in preparation for season 2015/16.
Cricket is available to both boys and girls from the age of five years with the Milo In2 Cricket programme, followed by T/20 Blast from those of aged seven to eight years. The under 11s play Friday evenings, while under 13s, under 15s and under 17s all play on a Saturday morning.
The free Come and Try Day will be held on Sunday 13 September, from 10am to noon at Shepley Oval, Pultney Street, Dandenong.
Players from the Dandenong Cricket Club and Dandenong Women’s Cricket Club will conduct a free clinic with specific training drills applicable to age groups.
Representatives from local Dandenong District Cricket Clubs and the Dandenong Women’s Cricket Club will also be available on the day to provide details of their respective junior programmes, training sessions and fees, etc.
The City of Greater Dandenong in conjunction with funding partners Cricket Australia, Cricket Victoria and the State Government will launch their Ticket2Cricket programme at the Come and Try Day which enables all new junior cricketers who have never been registered on the My Cricket system to a 75 per cent rebate of their clubs fees (MiloIn2 Cricket, T/20 Blast, under 11s, 13s and 17s). A great incentive by all stakeholders to increase junior participation within the City of Greater Dandenong.
Come along on Sunday and participate in the free clinic with lots of fun activities and giveaways and find out how you can become part of a cricket club.
All inquiries to Liz Williamson on 0409 184 277.