For Halle Taylor of Hastings, the Victorian Government’s Free TAFE for Priority Courses initiative offers the chance for her to study what she’s been hoping for.
Free TAFE ensures eligible students like Ms Taylor from across Melbourne’s south-east region will be able to access free training at Chisholm in a range of courses that lead to jobs most in demand from Victorian employers.
Through free TAFE, the Victorian Government will cover tuition fees for 20 priority TAFE courses and 18 pre-apprenticeship courses from 1 January 2019 for eligible students.
Ms Taylor has completed a Certificate III in Pathology and is considering a Certificate IV in Mental Health.
Until now, Ms Taylor and her family have found it challenging to meet the costs of vocational study, which can make it difficult for many to gain the skills they need to establish a career.
“I am passionate about my career,” Ms Taylor said.
“Not having to pay for tuition fees would be really beneficial because instead of stressing and worrying about paying fees I can worry about my school work and doing the best I possibly can.”
Free TAFE removes the financial barrier for students in the south-east who want to undertake quality, accredited TAFE training that gives them the skills they need to secure real jobs building the state and caring for the community.
Victoria’s unprecedented building boom of road and rail projects, new schools and hospitals, as well as increased support for Victorians living with disability and historic action to curb family violence has created a massive demand for skilled workers.
More than ever, the skills required for these high-demand jobs are learned at TAFE.
“Chisholm is proud to offer these free priority courses and play our part in making sure all Victorians can get the training they need for a good job, and help deliver the skills mix needed by industry,” Chisholm CEO Rick Ede said.
Chisholm is now taking enquiries for Free TAFE courses that begin in 2019.
Chisholm is offering most of the pre-apprenticeship and non-apprenticeship courses on the Free TAFE list, including Certificate II in Plumbing, Certificate III in Community Services, Certificate IV in Cyber Security and Diploma of Justice.
For the full list of Free TAFE courses on offer at Chisholm or for more information, visit www.chisholm.edu.au/freetafe.
It is important to note that eligibility criteria applies and other fees and charges, such as student services fees or materials fees, may also apply. Students can check their eligibility by calling Chisholm on 1300 244 746.