No holds barred in legal stoush

VU Ho, the Springvale unemployed mechanic who is fighting to keep his pet sheep at home, has vowed to keep battling despite his case being closed by the High Court.
On Friday, the court dismissed Mr Ho’s special leave application, which requested the highest court in the land to hear his case against Greater Dandenong Council.
“Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose,” Mr Ho said when told the news.
A defiant Mr Ho told the Journal he would embark on a fresh legal challenge should the council try to forcibly evict his 16-year-old sheep Baa.
“If they do try to remove her by force, they have to give me warning and then I will challenge them in court.
“I will fight to the end. This is not the end.”
Mr Ho claims the council corrected a flaw in its local laws in 2011 that had categorised sheep with cats and dogs.
The basis for his new challenge would be that the correction could not apply retrospectively to Baa’s case.
Mr Vo said he may declare bankruptcy, given he cannot afford to pay an estimated $200,000 legal bill for his failed Supreme Court challenge and subsequent appeal.
In each of those hearings, the council was awarded legal costs against Mr Ho.
Mr Ho said Baa was doing well after having an infected ear recently amputated.
“She’s recovered and very healthy now.”
– Cameron Lucadou-Wells