Seniors keep their memory in mind

Alzheimers Australia Victoria's Amelia Suckling and Claire Emmanuel check out food from the Ukraine and Vietnam. 117837 Pictures: ROB CAREW

SPRINGVALE seniors shared food and stories from their homelands last week, with memory in mind.
Alzheimer’s Australia Victoria held the Tastes to Remember event at Springvale Town Hall on 1 April.
Diversity officer and event organiser Claire Emmanuel said the event brought together over-65s from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities to share cultural food, discuss the traditions and rituals surrounding them and reminisce over stories from their homelands.
Representatives from the Mauritian, Serbian, Vietnamese and Ukranian-speaking communities each performed, there were presentations about memory changes and dementia risk reduction strategies.
“They enjoyed each other’s cultural food,” Ms Emmanuel said.
“They enjoyed the presentation and so they are more informed about what services are available for them.”
She said participants learnt about how to contact the City of Greater Dandenong, Monash Health and Centrelink for assistance, including respite services and carer payments.
The council provided a grant to help run the event which is designed to raise awareness about dementia and support services.
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