Textiles shape up

Artist Eddy Carroll models one of her textile creations. Picture: LESLEY TURNBULL

A MONTH-LONG celebration of all things textiles is on its way to Greater Dandenong.
Cultural Threads will include textile-based activities for people of all ages from 31 July to 31 August.
Participants can show their creative flair, connect with one another, share stories and learn more about each other’s cultures over knitting, crocheting, weaving, needlepoint and more.
Some of Victoria and Australia’s most celebrated artists will guide the activities at Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens, Dandenong Market, Dandenong Library and the civic square.
Colourful installations will also adorn central Dandenong throughout the event.
The Cultural Threads is at Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, corner Walker and Robinson streets, at 6.30pm on Thursday 31 July.
Visit www.greaterdandenong.com for a full program of all activities, workshops, events and participating artists.