Gun gang force out couple and steal their car

A COUPLE were held up at gunpoint in Doveton by thugs who stole their car and later used it in an aggravated burglary and a high speed police chase.
About 2.30am on Saturday 7 March, the Pakenham couple in their fifties were stopped at the intersection of Box and Power roads when a white van pulled up beside them.
Cardinia Crime Investigation Unit’s Detective Senior Sergeant Trevor Smith said three men jumped out of the van, one armed with a handgun, and forced the couple out of their 2009 Toyota Aurion sedan.
“A white van pulled up on the passenger side of the car stopped at the lights. A man produced a handgun and asked for their keys,” he said.
Police believe two of the men took off in the couple’s car while the other retreated back to the van which had no registration plates.
Casey Crime Investigation Unit’s Detective Senior Sergeant Garry Kear said the heist was not reported to police for about 20 minutes due to language difficulties.
Two hours later, the stolen car was used in an aggravated burglary at a Pakenham home.
Detective Senior Constable Marisa Owens from Dandenong Embona Taskforce said the intruders targeted the Tahoe Circuit home about 4.30am and took off with about $500 worth of personal items before sparking a high speed police chase.
“The victims were home at the time. They have awoken and the offenders have left the premises.”
She said the intruders entered the Pakenham home via an unlocked door.
Police pursued the speeding car along the Princes Highway and Monash Freeway but the suspects fled away at dangerous speeds.
The Toyota’s registration number is JPP 614 and is described as being a silvery, brown colour.
Dandenong Embona Taskforce is investigating the offences.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
– Aneeka Simonis