AN EXTRA 1000 people sought help from Keysborough’s Open Door in the past year.
Keysborough Learning Centre’s pastoral, wellbeing and community development manager Glenda Arthur said demand was not as high as in central Dandenong.
“We have still seen the numbers through Open Door rise over the past year from 3546 to 4622,” she said.
“At the end of the 2008 financial year the number accessing Open Door was 1112 so these numbers show the huge increase over the years.”
Ms Arthur said Open Door had been fortunate to have greater access to fresh fruit and vegetables from Avocare during the past financial year.
“This is due to the manager of Avocare engaging with outlets who give their excess fresh food to Avocare to be distributed,” she said.
“We continue to access food on a fortnightly basis from Foodbank Victoria.”