Fete fundraiser for soccer academy

Anwar Ibrahim, Nathan Verderosa, football co-ordinator Greg Crowe, Andy Anderson Kamara and Alan Suna. 146776 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

NOBLE Park Secondary College has set its sights on supporting future footballers.
It’s establishing a soccer academy which is set to kick off next year.
A fete next weekend will promote the program and raise funds for facilities.
Football technical director Aaron Symons will lead the program, which is designed to foster student focus on off-field and on-field skills.
Teacher Helen Karagounis said academy members would have to balance their sporting passion with a focus on their studies.
They must maintain an academic grade average and training will take place after school.
Ms Karagounis said the college planned to develop partnerships to provide students with pathways into sporting careers and was hoping for government support.
The fete will be held at Noble Park Secondary College, 3 Callaghan Street, Noble Park, from 11am to 4pm on Saturday 21 November.