Green way to go

Zara, 6, with a double bubble wand. 150449 Pictures: ROB CAREW

FAMILIES picked up tips to save money and the environment at a fun day out in Dandenong.
Greater Dandenong councillor Matthew Kirwan said the third annual Family Sustainability Festival at Dandenong Market on Sunday 21 February was “the best ever”.
“It best combined being a family-friendly event with plenty of free family activities on offer, and also a great variety of stalls that showed residents many different practical and affordable ways where they can live more sustainable lives – helping the environment and saving money at the same time,” he said.
The council event featured pedal-powered smoothies, native animals, cooking demonstrations, roving performers, a see-through bee hive, craft activities and more.
Experts were on hand to shed light on improving energy efficiency through products and building design.