YOU put your right hand in and donate cash to kids – that’s what it’s all about.
Whoa, the Hokey Pokey Australian record could fall at Yarraman Oaks primary next term.
But the Noble Park school needs to raise $770 to pay for record officials to attend their group dance, which will need to top 467 people to claim the “largest gathering of people doing the Hokey Pokey” title.
Teacher Elissa Sewell set the current record at her former school and said that with only 180 pupils, Yarraman Oaks would call on parents and secondary school and kindergarten students for help.
“We want it to be a truly community event,” she said.
She said the event would help the school achieve its aim of becoming a community hub and the Hokey Pokey was a feel-good dance that fit with the school’s healthy living messages.
Call the school on 9792 4406 to support the record attempt.